
Felix K at Complex Layers // Garden Re-Opening
21 Apr, 2018

Felix K at Complex Layers // Garden Re-Opening

, Viale Molise 68, 20137 Milano

Complex Layers // Garden Re-Opening

Felix K | Marsman | DJ LOSER | FOQL | Scott Young | Lawrence Kurt | Frames of Reference | H/h | Ashed Thought | Jo b2b MS21

Hidden Hawaii | Blackest Ever Black | Dystopian | Pinkman | Charlois | Live Adult Entertainment | Pointless Geometry | New York Haunted | Born Free | Discos Capablanca | Oecus | DRVMS LTD | UN.T.O Records | BPR | Rete Neurale Milano E.S.T. | Hencote | UV


L’atto di plasmare un robot che dia consistenza ad una forma d’arte, funzionante tramite l’intersezione di complessi strati corporei, organismi, legno, installazioni, un rimando schizofrenico al biologico-estatico-tecnologico, che a prima vista abbia le sembianze di un monolite; macchine che bramano, desiderose, dialogano attraverso i loro canali cinestetici, uccelli che si nutrono ed evacuano contemporaneamente, interi banchi dati fisiologici, database di computer, utopie incomunicabili; e un’emulsione vellutata per un’intensa cura ‘levigante ‘rinvigorente ‘rigenerante.


Manufacturing robot to produce a form of art, functioning through complex layers of body, organisms, wood, installation, biofeedback technology, monolith, desiring machines with kinaesthetic channels, birds eating and having a bowel movement simultaneously, physiological data, computer databases, software and a velvety texture emulsion for an intensive hydrate action; nourishing, life-giving and regenerating.


Curated by Hencote / Henkot – Rete Neurale MILANO E.S.T.

In collaboration with Desire Week

Respect the place and the vibes.